Elevate your riding encounter with our meticulously crafted CNC machined dropper lever, compatible with any cable actuated dropper post, harmonizing exquisitely with the aesthetics of our Brakes. Effortlessly pivoting on precision ball bearings, the lever guarantees impeccably fluid and accurate motion, devoid of unwelcome deviations. Its modifiable leverage offers an impressive 20% range for customization: Raising leverage crafts a gentler lever response and increased lever journey, while diminishing leverage yields prompter action accompanied by reduced lever travel.
Part number: HDLNB
Barcode: 5056454962079
- Product code: HOP DL BKBL
'CNC machined
- Smooth ball bearing actuation
- Adjustable leverage: Increasing leverage provides a lighter lever action and more lever travel, decreasing leverage provides a quicker action with less lever travel
- Adjustable reach
- Works with the major