Wire Set for BBB onboard Computers
- 2mm wire set for BCP-21/22.
Part Number: BCP-81
Barcode: 8716683055177
Product Code: BBB BCP-81Release Year: 2007

BBB Cycling SmartMagnet
Wheel magnet to combine with your speed sensor.
Being an essential companion for many speed enthusiasts, the SmartMagnet is indispensable for those who can't do without it. Unfortunately, these can sometimes go missing or you might require several for all your various wheels, making an additional SmartMagnet a valuable asset. Its ease of attachment to both round and aero spokes ensures we've got you covered across your diverse wheel sets.
- Wheel magnet for use with any speed sensor
- Fits most common round and aero spokes
Part Number: 2909616801
Barcode: 8716683089240
Product Code: BBB BCP-68Release Year: 2020

BBB Cycling CadenceMagnet
CadenceMagnet Computer accessory
Big gear high cadence!
If you want to keep track of as much data as possible, the SmartCadence is one you can't miss. and the CadenceMagnet is his biggest friend. Make sure you keep the correct cadence to train your body the way you want it. Keep control over all the aspects of your ride. The only thing you have to do is keep those legs rolling!
Industrial rubber band for extra durability
Does not leave any marks on the crank
BCP-69 / 2909616901
Part Number: 2909616901
Barcode: 8716683089257
Product Code: BCP-69Release Year: 2020